It’s the season, which means you shouldn’t be running around your office at eleven at night on Christmas Eve trying to fulfill orders. Instead, you should be at home enjoying those things and those people that are important to you. As a small business owner, you might not think this is possible, but it absolutely is. In fact, it’s more possible than you might think. Instead of stressing about everything these holidays, take a step back and read on to see if you can squeeze a few moments of relaxation in there somewhere.

Take a Long Thanksgiving Break

For many people who ran Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals, taking a day off before or after any of those days was suicide. Instead, take your Thanksgiving vacation before that hectic weekend. Take a few days to really recharge your batteries before getting back to the grind and, in some cases, shipping triple in a day than what you’re used to shipping in a week. If you can, fit another one of these vacations in near Christmas, including Christmas day. That’s the day where all of those Black Friday deals are sitting under the tree, waiting to be opened – and you should have a couple of gifts to open there, too.

Allow Flexible Hours and Office Delivery

Research shows that this time of year sees the highest amount of package theft in most of the United States. This can cause some anxiety in your employees, since the vast majority of us buy at least something off of the Internet for our friends and family. To ease this fear a little, allow package delivery to the office during the holidays, and allow employees to set their own hours for a few weeks while the holidays are going on.