Rewarding Your Employees without a Bunch of CashWe all want to reward employees that do a good job, but sometimes the funds just aren’t there. So how do we offer bonuses to employees when we can’t even pay ourselves? Fortunately, there are a few ways you can appreciate your employees without spending big bucks. At the very least, the following tips will help you hold over your employees until you can offer raises and thank them for doing such a good job.

Perks Based on Personality

This takes more time than it does cash, but it can really pay off if you have a few extra minutes to put into it. It’s also a great way to get to know your team. It’s likely your business is pretty small, and if it isn’t small enough, you can always bring your managers in on your plan. Basically, you need to get to know your employees. Maybe they ride horses or write while they’re not at work. You can give them perks or rewards based on those interests. Even things like their favorite candy and music can help you find the right “prize” for them. Make a basket of a few things – maybe a few movie tickets and some favorites of your employee – and present it to them as an appreciation gift. It will probably cost you under $50, but it will show the employee you care.

Office Parties

When you need to reward everyone in your office for a job well done, consider hosting an office party. Have everyone bring a dish of their choice and provide a cocktail or drink that you know most everyone will enjoy. If you don’t have the office space to have a big function, head to a local restaurant instead. If you let the restaurant know ahead of time that you’re bringing a large party, you can often  get the restaurant to bend over backwards to make it quite an excellent event.